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TOPdesk incident integration can create automatically first level and second level incidents based on events.


You can add a TOPdesk alerting action in the alerting configuration in at Environment settings > Alerting & actions.

Here you can edit all existing, create new or delete existing alertings and actions. To add a new TOPdesk action select the TOPdesk type and hit the "+"-Button.

Following configuration options are available:

Field Description Example
TOPdesk server URL Domain of your TOPdesk environment
Caller E-Mail E-Mail of an existing TOPdesk user who will be the creater of the incident
Status Define if it is a first or second line incident First line
Entry Name of an existing TOPdesk entry
Incident type Name of an existing TOPdesk incident type Governance
Crendential Select an existing crendential stored inside credential vault.
The credential should contain a TOPdesk username and a corresponding application password.
TOPdesk dokumentation

Table: TOPdesk integration configuration parameter

Click Save to apply the modifications.

The following image is an example of a Proxmox configuration: TOPdesk integration configuration

Figure: Example of a TOPdesk integration configuration