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All about OneImporter & OneGate

Why do I need it for?

The OneImporter and OneGate are software based agents that inventory hosts, IT components, specific data sources and third party applications.

Since network access to the data sources and third party applications is usually not possible from the platform, the OneImporter or OneGate takes over this task.

Customers can install the OneImporter or OneGate in their environment without affecting the system and network topology.

Figure: OneImporter and OneGate in the context of the platform

Difference between OneImporter & OneGate

The following table explains the difference between OneImporter and OneGate and lists the assets and configurations to be inventoried by the specific agent.

OneImporter OneGate
Task The OneImporter is installed on each host whose local components are to be inventoried. The OneGate is installed on a host per network zone so that the data sources and third-party applications accessible from that network zone can be inventoried.
Assets & configurations
  • Hardware
  • Operating system
  • Containers
  • Processes
  • Services
  • Configuration files
  • Folder structures
  • Network communication
  • Hyperscalers
  • Hypervisors
  • Container platforms
  • Monitoring solutions
  • Identity Management Systems
  • Network devices
  • Databases
  • SSL certificates
  • Host Ports
  • etc.

Table: Difference between OneImporter and OneGate

The following figure shows how to position OneImporter and OneGate in the IT landscape and how they interact with the platform:

Figure: Interaction of the platform and the OneImporter or OneGate

Simple operations management

With, we aim to optimise the operational burden of managing OneImporter and OneGate so that our customers can focus on their core business. provides the following elements to reduce the operation of OneImporter and OneGate to a minimum:

Level Description
Install wizzard OneImporter and OneGate Wizard assists with installation, start-up, shutdown, status check and uninstallation. Customers receive system-specific instructions and command lines to run on the appropriate hosts.
Software distribution The wizard's command lines can be easily integrated into software distribution solutions. This then makes it easy to handle a more extensive installation and updates of OneImporter and OneGate.
Auto update The update of OneImporter and OneGate can be initiated directly from the platform.
Auto start The OneImporter and the OneGate are executed as an operating system service (systemd under Linux and Windows Service under Windos). This will automatically restart after a host reboot.
Heartbeat status OneImporter and OneGate continuously send heartbeat calls to the platform (15 seconds) so that their availability can be monitored centrally in the platform.
Auto reconfigure New or changed importer configurations are detected and implemented independently by OneImporter and OneGate.
Log support OneImporter and OneGate each provide the platform with the last 1,000 lines of the log file. This allows debugging of the OneImporter and OneGate for failed executions of importer configurations centrally in the platform.

Table: Measures to make OneImporter and OneGate operations management simple for customers

The installation wizard allows users to install, start, verify, stop and uninstall a OneImporter or OneGate in 1 minute:

Figure: installation wizard for OneImporter and OneGate

Updating the OneImporter or a OneGate can be conveniently controlled by users from the platform. Of course, a manual update or update via software distribution is also easily possible.

Figure: Update OneImporter and OneGate from platform

Low performance impact

OneImporter and OneGate are optimized to always load the guest host as little as possible and to execute as many work steps as possible on the platform. The following figure shows the CPU and memory consumption of a OneImporter measured with the monitoring product Dynatrace:

Figure: Footprint of OneImporter and OneGate measured with Dynatrace monitoring

High security measures

The following functions ensure that the OneImporter and OneGate runs in compliance with your IT security requirements:

Security level Description
Communication direction Communication is always initiated from the OneImporter and OneGate to the platform.
Encrypted communication The data is transferred from OneImporter/OneGate to the platform via encrypted communication (HTTPS).
HTTP proxy support Communication between OneImporter/OneGate and the platform can be routed via HTTP proxies.
Known certificate authority OneImporter and OneGate can be instructed at startup to only connect to the platform with a known Certificate Authority (CA) (no self-created SSL certificates).
Client site configuration The OneImporter and OneGate can be fully configured on the client side (Infrastructure-as-Code, IaC). This includes identity access configurations, importer configurations and executable restrictions. This means that no access or manipulation is possible from the platform side.
Server-side authorisation A OneImporter or OneGate will only receive importer configurations from the server for execution if this has been previously authorised on the platform side. For DevOps automation API tokens for authorisation are supported.
Server-side deactivation The OneImporter can be activated or deactivated by the platform at any time. Deactivation stops the execution of all assigned Importer configurations.

Table: Security measures for OneImporter and OneGate communication with the platform

Increased reliability & availability of the OneGate

To increase the reliability and availability of the OneGate, it is possible to install several OneGates, which will run an Importer configuration (=inventory) at different times. In case of failure of one OneGate, the inventory cycles would be reduced accordingly, but the inventory would be guaranteed by the other OneGates. The greater the number of OneGates, the lower the probability of failure.

Figure: System architecture for a OneGate "cluster"