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Configuration management database API


The REST API of the CMDB allows you to store, update and query instances of an entity.

The following skills will make it easy for you to work with the CMDB API:

  • Fundamentals of REST interfaces and a tool for executing REST requests (CURL, Browser, SoapUI etc.).
  • (API token authentification)[/api-authentification] and general API.
  • Understanding the CMDB domain model will help you to use the API better.
  • is a multi-client system and all requests are only possible in the environment defined by the API token!

Following optional query parameter are available for all CMDB API request types:

Query parameter Default value Description
utc Current time Timestamp to create, update or get a change.\n aaa
Table: Optional query parameters

Create or update an instance

Create or update the state of an entity instance in an environment.

Add the parameter 'utc' to define the time of saving. If you do not use a UTC parameter, the current time will be used. Note that due to auditability and auditability, the UTC time must always be after the time of the last update for the instance.

PUT <>/api-versio.db/1.0/<environment>/<entity>/<instanceId>

Request: Create or update an instance

The request is the following exemplary response:

curl --request PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -- data '{"myAttribute-1": "myValue-1","myAttribute-2": "myValue-2"}' \  -d

The result is the following exemplary response:

  "saveStatus": "created",
  "lastUpdateUtc": 1585312379822

Response: Result object with status and update time of the instance or change

The 'lastUpdateUtc' is the timestamp at which the database saved the instance or change.

The following table lists all return values for the 'status' attribute The status is a feedback from the CMDB on how it evaluates and internally stores the state of the instance.

Save status Description
created detected that is the first time of save the instance.
discarded detected that there are no changes of the instance. It will be saved only the update date to know how long the state of the instance is.
updated detected that the instance has changed and save the state of the attributes.
Table: Types of save status

Read instances and changes

Get all entity names

Get all existing entity names of the environment.

Add the parameter 'utc' to get the entity names that existed up to that time. All existing environment entity names are returned if the UTC parameter is not used.

GET  /<environment>

Request: Get all existing entity names

The result is an array with all existing entity names up to the given time. Below is an exemplary response:

  "items": [

Response: Result array of all entities from specific environment

Get all instance identifiers

Get all instance identifiers (ID) of an entities that are managed in the environment.

Add the parameter 'utc' to get the instance identifiers that existed up to that time. All existing instance identifiers are returned if the UTC parameter is not used.

GET /<environment>/<entity-name>

Request: Get all unique identifiers of the entity from the environment

The result is an array with all existing instance identifiers up to the given time. Below is an exemplary response:

  "items": [

Response: Result array with all unique identifiers of the entity from the environment

Get the state of a instance or change

Get all attribute values of a specific instance or change of an entity that are managed in the environment.

Add the parameter 'utc' to get the state of the instance for a specific time. Please note that determines the state at any given time. You do not necessarily have to specify the time of creation or change.

If you do not use a UTC parameter, the current state of the instance is returned.

GET  /<environment>/<entity>/<instance-id>

Request: Get the state of an specific instance or change of an entity

In the first object of the items array you get all needed data of the instance state:

  • Meta data of the instance (UTC of state, entity name, instance identifier, type)
  • State represent a JSON object with custome specific attributes
  • The object difference descripe all changes to the previous state.
  "items": [
      "utc": 1581365957641,
      "entity": "entity-name",
      "instance": "id-1",
      "type": 0,
      "state": {
          <your change attributes in JSON format>
          "attribute3": ["a", "b", "c"] 
      "difference": [
          "kind": "N",
          "path": [
          "rhs": 1

Response: Result array with xxx the environment

Mark as delete an instance

Deleting an instance is not really possible because the CMDB guarantees a historicized, revision-safe and auditable database. Therefore, an instance must never be changed or deleted backwards.

However, it is possible to tell the database that the instance of an entity is marked as deleted (see CMDB domain model).

Currently, the REST API is only available internally to The "mark-as-delete" can be defined for each individual entity. This can be configured via the time specification, which indicates the period of time during which no update of an instance has taken place. From this point on the instance will be "mark-as-deleted" accordingly.

If you need the API from your point of view, just contact us via the feedback function in